Sunday, March 15, 2009

Test Drive

In theory, at this point I should be comfortable enough to take the kayak out for my first solo trip.

The plan is to pick an extremely calm day and head out on Georgian Bay for the day to get my “sea legs”. I choose Georgian Bay because I’m familiar with the area and one less thing to worry about, there are many family and friends around with boats who can come get me if I screw up badly. Created a Google Map (on sidebar) for the intended practice route.

Prudence dictates that I should pack the kayak completely and make it an overnight trip, If I can’t stand doing a two day trip, I’m not going to be very happy after 15 days. Haven’t decided on this one yet, just want to put everything I learned into real practice and get a feel for it.

This is also my first opportunity to figure out how many km/hour I can do without overly exerting myself, I can then adjust my trip plan to accommodate.

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